Monday, December 27, 2010

How was it...?



Christmas Eve I got Penny the Pig Scentsy Buddy and Some CUTE p.j pants!

AND ON CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT:
a new binder with stuff you can make your own cover with for my need

some CUTE snowboots for my want

a whiteboard (which my mom is making vynl for today) and a purple, orange, green, blue, black, and red markers and 6 colored magnents of orange, purple, green, blue, white, and grey for my surprise

FROM GRANDMA!! I got the awesomest thing... a mullusk that you had to open and get a pearl , I got a white one, and put it in a gold cage on a necklace and I also got the CUTEST outfit EVER!!! It was a charcoal jacket and pants with a red tank top with diamond gems all over the front of it!!!!

AS A FAMILY!!! We GOT 3 new Wii Games: Harry Potter 1-4, Family Night games like board games, and ROCK BAND!!!! We also got TONS of out side stuff like 2 scooters, a baseball and bat, a badmitton set, 2 giant frizbees, and a kickball!!!

FROM SANTA!!! this is the sad one... I got a broken Digital Camera... BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going to exchange it today at BESTBUY!!!!!!!!!!!


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